The College Planning Council (CPC) is charged the Office of Institutional Research with the
responsibility of implementing a comprehensive Institutional Effectiveness process. Institutional
Effectiveness is a systematic process of continually assessing the extent to which the College is
accomplishing its Purposes. This report contains major findings pertaining to four of the
College's six Purposes (Community Service, Developmental Education, Occupational &
Technical Education, and Transfer Education). The remaining two Purposes (General
Education and Workforce Development) will be implemented during the 1999/00 reporting cycle.
In addition, this report presents proposed modifications to future effectiveness reports.
Each Purpose has been operationalized into specific Indicators. Within each Indicator
detailed Measures have been established. Once data was collected on each Measure a
Monitoring Report was prepared (for each Purpose). These preliminary reports were then
presented and discussed among various Councils and Committees throughout the College.